Amazon the Easy Way to Stop Drinking

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Top Tips & Solutions on How to Stop Drinking – Allen Carr's Easyway

  1. 1. You don't need willpower to stop drinking

    Allen Carr's Easyway is the complete opposite of other methods of stopping drinking. Collectively we call those other methods 'the willpower method'. For example, the most up to date version of the 'Drink Aware' site is the complete reverse of Allen Carr's Easyway which is without willpower. The advice given, as well intentioned as it is, rather than help someone quit drinking easily, is likely to cause abject misery and failure .

  2. 2. The best way to stop drinking is to change the way you think about it; you won't be craving alcohol

    The willpower method suggests that you avoid temptation – with some advising that when you stop drinking you should find restaurants that don't serve alcohol! Wouldn't it be easier and so much more pleasant to change the way you think about alcohol so that you can enjoy going into any restaurant, bar, club, or party without feeling left out or deprived because you're not drinking?

  3. 3. Don't reduce your alcohol consumption; remind yourself how happy you are to be free

    The hard way to stop drinking alcohol is to frequently remind yourself of why you want to stop drinking. Wouldn't it be so much more wonderful to keep reminding yourself of how happy you are to be free?

    Mainstream advice recommends cutting down gradually to control your alcohol. Yet they don't recognise that cutting down is even harder than stopping. How many times have you tried to cut down in the past and failed? It ends up as torture and misery.

  4. 4. Be cool about withdrawal; the key is to realise that you're not "giving up" anything at all.

    Willpower methods bang on and on about "giving up". The key is to realise that you're not "giving up" anything at all. You're getting rid of something that was causing you tremendous problems.

    So many other methods of quitting drinking put fear in your mind – warning of terrible "serious" physical withdrawal symptoms. Yet when you probe further they substantiate them as being "irritability, poor concentration, feeling shaky, feeling tired, difficulty sleeping or bad dreams". It doesn't sound that tough does it? I know blokes who feel like that when their football team loses at the weekend!

  5. 5. Quit alcohol without any unpleasantness and detox your body naturally; even for heavy drinkers

    Help lines and advice lines such as 'Drink Aware' go on to talk about physical symptoms including trembling hands, sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and lack of appetite….but in the small print they do actually admit that they are extremely uncommon. Even at their worse they sound no more unpleasant than a touch of flu! If you're worried about what alcohol is doing to you – would you waste a single moment worrying about having flu for a few days in return for your freedom? Of course not. In fact – most people who stop drinking with Allen Carr's Easyway do so without any unpleasantness at all. Even heavy drinkers.

  6. 6. Enjoy your freedom; don't be afraid of quitting alcohol

    Of course if you're worried about stopping drinking you should talk to your GP but first maybe decide to find out a little more about Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Drinking and why you really don't have to be afraid of alcohol withdrawal. Why not take a look at our alcohol seminar and online video programme information and Frequently Asked Questions on our website?

FREE Allen Carr Stop Drinking Video & Information!

Other useful stop drinking articles and news

Has the way we drink alcohol changed?

Beer Street & Gin Lane

Has the way we drink changed dramatically over the past few decades? Of course it's always been the case that people have taken alcohol – seemingly in order to get drunk – and over the centuries what we drink and how we drink it has evolved many times. A basic appreciation of Hogarth's Beer Street and Gin Lane is evidence enough – albeit satirically so. At face value it warns of the dangers of consuming 'new-fangled' highly potent gin versus the purported benign effects of drinking traditional 'olde English ale'. That comparison is not a million miles away from that made between the apparent binge drinking culture that appeared to morph out of the "normal" level of drinking of the 1960s, 1970s, & 1980s.

Even today – new ways of describing or labelling the effects of drinking on our behaviour seem to appear as each week passes. Who'd have thought that 'drunkorexia' would ever claim to exist as a real 'thing'? Apparently it's the 'phenomenon' of people who are concerned about their weight skipping meals in order to 'save' calories so they can be consumed as alcohol. Of course the condition shouldn't be dismissed – the phenomenon is certainly creating a problem for those who suffer it.

Of course – drink problems are largely the same as they've always been and are causing exactly the same kind of behaviours as they've always caused. You could say that the only differences in recent years are the amount of alcohol drunk (is there such a thing as a small glass of wine anymore?), the frequency of drinking, the heavy consumption of alcohol being considered normal (where did the repulsive phrase "mummy juice" come from?), the potency of the alcohol, and the early age at which youngsters are starting to drink. That said – I have no doubt Hogarth could have made the same, or at least similar, observations in 1751

Allen Carr's Easyway

We're #1 in the World

Don't just take our word for it

Here are some celebrities with their thoughts on Allen Carr's Easyway method

lee mack stops smoking and drinking with Allen Carrs easyway

Lee Mack

(quit smoking & drinking)

"4 years ago..changed my whole attitude to alcohol…"*

*Results may vary

Chrissie Hynde quits smoking and alcohol with allen carrs easyway

Chrissie Hynde

(quit smoking & drinking)

"The moral of my story is that drugs, including tobacco & alcohol, only cause suffering. I used Allen Carr's Easyway & stopped."*

*Results may vary

Nikki Glaser stops smoking and drinking with Allen Carr's Easyway

Nikki Glaser

(quit smoking & drinking)

"The best method to stop anything. I truly think if I wasn't a comedian, I would want to be an Allen Carr seminar leader!"*

*Results may vary

Sir Richard Branson quit addiction with allen carrs easyway

Sir Richard Branson

(on Allen Carr's Easyway)

"I'm pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff"*

*Results may vary

lou sanders quits alcohol with allen carr

Lou Sanders

(quit drinking)

...somehow made me realise that I wasn't missing out...*

*Results may vary

Rafael Santandreu quits drinking and weight loss with Allen Carr's Easyway

Rafael Santandreau

(quit drinking)

Some consider me one of the best psychologists in Spain. Even in Europe. Controlling alcohol is easy and marvellous. I did it many years ago following Allen Carr's instructions and everyday I feel stronger*

*Results may vary

Ashton Kutcher quits smoking with allen carrs easyway

Ashton Kutcher

(quit smoking)

"I haven't smoked since!"*

*Results may vary

Jamie Lissow quit drinking with allen carr's easyway

Jamie Lissow

(quit drinking)

"Sounds crazy...I stopped and that was 3 almost 4 years ago. It really is easy"*

*Results may vary

Free online consultation

Not sure if you're ready? Daunted by the prospect of what stopping drinking will mean for you? We can help.

Take a few minutes to fill out our online consultation and we will get back to you with our personalised recommendation.

Go on, start your journey to freedom today!

Online consultation

 How Allen Carr's Easyway Helped Me to Quit Alcohol in 2005 & Quit Smoking in 2001

Real People, Real Stories – Testimonial by Oliver*

View more success stories

*results may vary

What is Allen Carr's Easyway? – short video with subtitles

If you want to read more thenclick here

Quit Alcohol programmes

Easyway doesn't focus on the downsides of drinking – you know all about those already. Instead the method answers the question "what's so great about being a drinker?" Understanding that is the key to being set free.

There a number of ways of using the Allen Carr's Easyway method choose the right one for you.

Prices from £99.

Quit drinking programmes

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